Monday, July 18, 2011

It All Ends.

I'm going to miss it so much. I already do really.
I'll name it just to be safe. What if I forget? I know I could never forget but still.

Harry Potter was my childhood, and now it's all over.

But, thank you.

Thank you to Matthew Lewis who played Neville. Without him, I wouldn't be able to stand up to my enemies and finally learn not to be afraid of my fears. I wouldn't be able to stand up to people, because he taught me that even a coward can be brave.

Thank you to Rupert Grint, who played the man of my dreams. Okay, not really, but still. He taught me how to laugh in the worst of situations. Ronald Weasley will always be the king. He is brilliant in every way and really one of the bravest characters in the whole series even though they don't show that often. He's very intelligent too, which is shown mostly in the last couple books.

Thank you to Emma Watson, who played me pretty much. Hermione is me, in a way. I relate to her so much. I'm a bit more mature than people my age, I don't like hanging out with people my age really unless they're my best friend or sister. She played a perfect Hermione, and she is my rolemodel now. She taught me how to accept myself and to be myself, and most importantly, to love who I am and don't let others get to me because of that.

Thank you to Daniel Radcliffe who played the one and only Harry Potter. Without him there would be no movie series, without him we would've never seen the movie brought to life. We would never learn that love will overcome everything. We would never learn that even though you are the underdog, you can overcome any bad guy or thing as long as you believe in yourself and your friends.

And last but not least, Mrs. Joanne K. Rowling, who wrote the entire series. You scripted my childhood. You let me grow up in the most magical time period ever. I would never wish to leave my era, because I wouldn't have been able to grow up with this. I wouldn't have been able to get to know all the characters on such a deep personal level. I love you so much. I don't even know you but I love you. You're one of those people that I would love to have as a mom, or a best friend. You don't understand how much yo've inspired me. To write, to spark creativity, to be myself. I'm so thankful and proud, to call you my favorite author and my rolemodel.

To the cast who made these movies so beautiful, I love you all. Thank you so much for putting up with us Potter Heads and for being there for us and being the best cast. I will miss you all together so much.

Even Voldemort.

I will even miss Voldemort.

He was the most bad-ass wizard and villian of all time yes?

And now it's done and over. A new adventure? Never. I loved the one I was living in.
I'll have to move on eventually, but the magic will always be with me and I will always live with a bit of Harry Potter scarred on my heart.

Unforgettable. Phenomenal. Magical.